Lifeloc FC10 Breathalyser
$929.00 + GST
The Lifeloc FC10 is verified to the AS 3547:1997 breathalyser standard.
This high quality unit is manufactured in the USA. This alcohol breath tester uses the same fuel cell sensor technology as the Police breathalysers, so will give you an accurate and reliable digital reading of your alcohol level.
The Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser has three different modes for testing. This includes being able to test without using a mouthpiece to get a POS or a NEG result in passive mode. You then test in auto mode by clipping on a mouthpiece and blowing to get exact alcohol levels.
There is no waiting around for test results as it has very fast reacting times.
The Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser comes with ten free mouthpieces. However, if you need additional, purchase these here: Lifeloc FC10 mouthpieces
Suitable for workplaces, bars and clubs and medical testing.
Enquire further for the following:
- Long-term lease option – $45 per month
- Short term rental – $200 per month
- Trial & Evaluation programme – trial the breathalyser for one month!
Please note: the dimensions stated are for the Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser waterproof case.